Ava Fresh Flower Bouquet


Vibrant colours add pop to any room in this Ava fresh flower bouquet. Flowers in the arrangement are also fragrant to add a fresh scent to small rooms. The roses and carnations are enveloped with fern, wrapped in gorgeous heart paper tied with a pretty ribbon.

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Vibrant colours add pop to any room in this Ava fresh flower bouquet. Flowers in the arrangement are also fragrant to add a fresh scent to small rooms. The roses and carnations are enveloped with fern, wrapped in gorgeous heart paper tied with a pretty ribbon.

Vibrant colours add pop to any room in this Ava fresh flower bouquet. Flowers in the arrangement are also fragrant to add a fresh scent to small rooms. The roses and carnations are enveloped with fern, wrapped in gorgeous heart paper tied with a pretty ribbon.

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The Garden
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